Your Everyday Economics

Some ways to save money and cut expenses




Who doesn’t like to see some extra money in their savings without having to sacrifice their living standard?

Saving is the money left after subtracting all our expenses from all our income. This is, after all, the money you can ultimately invest and grow. Well, there are two ways to save money.

Yes, you guessed it right, either you increase your income or reduce your expenses. In this post, I will focus on the latter.

I will share some easy ways for you to reduce your monthly expenditures, without even feeling it. While some of these may seem common sense, it is still good to read this article. Maybe, you will find one particular option, which I am going to list below.

I am combining personal finance and human psychology with my favorite economics knowledge to come up with some doable changes we all can implement. So without further ado, let’s get into it!

Cut Down on Streaming services

To start with, please cancel any unnecessary online streaming subscriptions. Many times, we take too many streaming services that we don’t even use much. Honestly, on average, if you are working or studying full time, how much TV do you get to watch every day? Maybe a couple of hours, max?

So, yes most people do not get the time to watch that much TV and we often end up paying too much for each service. So you should consider how many of these you can’t live without. Even though their monthly fees don’t seem that much individually, together they all add up.

Is Gym membership worth it?

Think about marginal benefit vs. marginal cost of Gym membership

Unless you use the gym 4-5 times a week, paying $20 or so per month isn’t worth it. We get tempted by their deals and may use them for some time in the beginning, but most of us are not able to continue for whatever reason.

I am totally in favor of exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And there are free resources for that. You can always start with walking or jogging outside or jump roping. You can also do yoga and make use of many free online exercise videos or free cardio classes. These will all give you the same results if done 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes a day.

Do you still use Cable TV?

How to cut your expenses without affecting your living standards?

In a world where there are so many streaming services, I honestly think we don’t need cable TV anymore.

I find that a lot of time is taken by the ads shown, and we don’t have the option to skip ads, in cable TV. Honestly, most people just flip between channels waiting for the ads to finish. What a waste of time!

Consume less electricity during peak hours

For most places, peak hours are between 4 to 9 PM. This is when you get charged the most. So try not to use your dishwashers and washers during this time if you can. Also, Having an app like Nest will help you monitor how much your AC is running and how to control it. I found some additional ways to reduce your electricity bill in this post in case you are interested.

Refinance your loans

If you follow my posts and the news, you must be aware that the Fed has (indirectly) raised all the interest rates that affect us. This includes our home loans as well. The Fed has clearly stated that to fight inflation, it will further raise interest rates. So there is still time for you to refinance some of your loans for a lower rate.

So anytime, you find interest rates lower than usual, don’t miss the opportunity to refinance your mortgage.

Eat out less

Well, this goes without saying, right? I understand everyone can’t have a home-cooked meal every single day. We also need a break and eating out provides us with that happy feeling. But if you can, try to slowly decrease the number of times you go out to eat. For example, start by reducing it by 25% and gradually increase it.

There will be two advantages to it. Not only you will save money on restaurant bills, but you will also be able to have a healthier life. To get to this, you will certainly need better meal planning (esp. since we all live very busy lives). Nevertheless, it is doable if you incorporate simple and healthy options to cook. One way to do it, which I sometimes do is to make extra servings of the food in an instant pot and use my freezer to save it for the future.

Avoid instant online shopping temptations

When we pay with credit card or debit card, often times we don’t know how much money we have spent. We easily fall prey to online shopping deals and offers. Studies have found that the pleasures of online shopping release dopamine, a happy hormone.

Oftentimes, we just want to buy something because we see others using it. Here, we need to stop and think if we really need it. Is this really adding value to our life?

An additional tip is while buying clothes, shoes, and accessories, try not to do too many one-time-use purchases. Buy something that you can use more often. We all need a few party wear and special occasions outfits but just choose the number wisely. We work hard for the money and we need to use our judgment while making any purchase.

Most of the time the pleasure we get by making any purchase is very short-lived. We suffer from something called “shiny object syndrome”. So always think before giving to this instant online need to splurge. One tip is to leave the item in a shopping cart for a few days and then decide if you still need to buy it.

Return options

Many of the companies we buy from these days, offer return services, some up to 90 days or more with a receipt. We procrastinate returning because of this long window and may forget to return the item. I am sure it has happened to some of you. So either set up reminders or do it as quickly as you can to avoid sitting with that item.

Be cautious of free trial magazines and other services

Sometimes, we take a service, which is free for a trial period. Usually, these services require us to give the payment information even though they don’t charge for the trial period. They also give the option to cancel the service anytime during the trial period. But life happens and we may forget to cancel it.

Then unknowingly, we get charged for a whole year. Be cautious of these. I would suggest not falling for these offers unless you are very disciplined and can keep track of all your free trial subscriptions. One way to avoid getting charged is to set reminders on your phone to cancel before the free trial period ends.

So, these were some of my tips for reducing your expenses without substantially affecting your lifestyle. I am sure there are many more, so feel free to share those in the comments section below. In my other post, I will also cover some ways to increase your income.

I hope you learned something from this personal finance post series. Please leave your comments on what type of posts you would like to read, it will help me connect with my readers more. I hope you are having an amazing day and I will be back soon with another topic. Thank you for reading till the end!


2 responses to “Some ways to save money and cut expenses”
  1. Mark Avatar

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

    1. Parul Verma Avatar

      Thank you very much.