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IMF predicts further slowdown for the world economies

The International Monetary Fund in its latest World Economic Outlook report, published on July 26, 2022, has lowered its estimate of Economic growth for the world economies. This is a downward revision from their April 2022 projections of GDP growth rate for both 2022 and 2023. Below is the chart I took from the IMF website showing their growth projections by region.

I have tried to summarize the main points of the report for you. If you are interested in reading the full report, please click here.

Lower GDP growth but higher inflation globally in 2022-23

The GDP of the World is now expected to grow at 3.2% this year and 2.9% next year, compared to what they had predicted in April to be 3.6% in both 2022 and 2023.  While they predicted lower GDP growth across the globe, they raised their inflation estimates. The report predicts a 6.6% inflation in advanced economies and 9.5% in emerging and developing economies.

What are the main factors behind this?

The report cited various reasons for its downgrade revision. On top of the pandemic after effects, higher-than-expected inflation has been a major cause of worry worldwide, especially in the US and major European countries. This has caused the central banks of these countries to raise interest rates, making financial conditions tighter.

Additionally, China’s economic slowdown has been worse-than-expected due to its zero covid policy. This has caused longer lockdowns, affecting their exports to the major US and European economies, and causing supply chain issues. This has also led to a supply-induced inflation.

The report fears that given the current scenario, the Russian – Ukraine war could continue for long and sanctions associated with it could go up further. This will, unfortunately, cause more problems in energy and food markets’ supply.

They also ran an alternative scenario of a possibility of a full shutdown of Russian gas flows to Europe by the end of 2022. If that happens, GDP global growth might fall further to 2% next year. The report also stated that since 1970, global growth has only been lower five times, so this does look very gloomy.

What should the countries do to overcome this?

The report suggests that controlling elevated inflation should remain the priority of policymakers around the world. This requires tightening monetary policy, and many central banks have started to do that already, both in advanced economies and emerging markets.

They also noted the role of Fiscal policy is important here to protect the vulnerable population. But it is important that the fiscal policy (like in the form of subsidy or stimulus payments) should only target the weaker population and should not interfere with the overall disinflationary motive of monetary policy. Because a lot of inflation in the advanced economies was caused by this issue, where too much money was chasing too few goods. In other words, people got the money to spend, but not that many goods and services were getting made, causing excess demand and inflation.

The report concluded that policymakers must continue to work on increasing vaccination rates to protect against future outbreaks. Lastly, countries must collaborate to address climate change and speed up the green transition to avoid their dependence on oil.

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